In 2024 I took a digital art course on creative coding that used object-oriented programming to express animation and gaming concepts. These studies provided an opportunity to apply my programming skills to interactive design, media art, and creative applications. The coursework development was done using the graphical Processing IDE that utilizes Java and a GUI interface to execute project code.
The Bank-it-Ball game was my final course project and it is styled as an interactive basketball shoot that might be found in an arcade. The player has six shots to throw the ball and score by having it fall through the basket. The twist in Bank-it-Ball is that there are two vertical obstacles that block the basket and so the ball must be banked and bounced off those obstacles. Each play through, the walls will change position to keep the challenge fresh and make the difficulty variable. The Microsoft Designer Image Creator application was the primary AI image generation tool used for this project and sound effects were done using Audiogen.
The Bank-It-Ball game is published on the website as a p5.js JavaScript translated version of the original Processing IDE Java game. The game must be run within a PC desktop web browser using a keyboard & mouse to throw the basketballs. There is no mobile touch interface support currently. Launching the ball with the mouse is more finesse than speed, but be sure to release a throw attempt while the ball is still within the throw zone. I was able to utilize the website to help generate HTML formatted snippets of the original Java code that I then manually embedded as custom HTML within my webpage here. The translated JavaScript is also provided below.
Game published and hosted on the website.
PC keyboard & mouse support only at this time.
Press the play button below to start the video.
Developing this game was a great way to apply object-oriented programming (OOP) skills that I acquired in my other Java language courses. It was also rewarding to implement graphical animation elements that make for a visually intriguing game. In the context of creative coding, the Bank-it-Ball game might also be considered a prototype to a more advanced or refined version of a future arcade game production. The Processing IDE's ability to code graphical shapes, apply images, and insert sounds lends itself well to the creative coding domain.
Some basic physics-like elements were coded into the final game to have the basketball behave like its real-world counterpart. Wall bounces were designed to measure the distance of the ball's center to the wall edge each update frame. A collision occurs when the distances are about a radius or less in tolerance, then the ball reverses direction producing an equal and opposite reaction. Air resistance was also applied to slow the ball slightly as it travels. Likewise, an artificial gravity acceleration was applied where a small downward velocity is added each update frame. To keep the action going, if the magnitude of the ball velocity falls below a preset threshold, then the next shot is set up and the player doesn't have to wait for the ball to dribble-out on the floor.
Press [SHIFT]+[Mousewheel] to scroll left and right.
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import processing.sound.*; // Sketch > Import Library > Manage Libraries > Sound (Install) //screen variables int screenWidth = 1280; int screenHeight = 720; int topHeight = 100; //board variables int wallX = 0; int wallY = 360; int wallHeight = 29; int wallWidth = 600; int bottomPos = screenHeight - 3 * wallHeight; int ceilingHeight = bottomPos - topHeight; int launchAreaWidth = (int) (ceilingHeight * 0.6); int launchAreaHeight = (int) (ceilingHeight * 0.6); int ballRadius = 26; float mouseSpeedX = 0; float mouseSpeedY = 0; int basketHeight = topHeight + (int) (ceilingHeight * 0.4); int basketRimX = (int) (wallX + screenWidth * 0.90); int basketWidth = screenWidth - basketRimX; //font variable PFont GameFont; //player variables int activePlayer = 1; int playerOneR = 204; int playerOneG = 85; int playerOneB = 0; //score block variables int basketZoneHeight = 20; int basketZoneWidth = basketWidth; int basketZoneAX = basketRimX; int basketZoneAY = basketHeight; int basketZoneBX = basketRimX; int basketZoneBY = basketHeight + basketZoneHeight; int basketZoneR = 0; int basketZoneG = 255; int basketZoneB = 0; //score board variables int scoreBoardWidth = screenWidth/4; int scoreBoardHeight = topHeight/2; int scoreBoardX = screenWidth/2-scoreBoardWidth/2; int scoreBoardY = topHeight/4; int updatedPlayerOneScore = 0; boolean playerOneBasket = false; //new game button variables int buttonX = screenWidth/5; int buttonY = topHeight/4; int buttonWidth = screenWidth/8; int buttonHeight = topHeight/2; // general game variables boolean gameOver = false; boolean ballInPlay = false; int ballMaxCount = 6; int throwCount = 0; int frameCounter = 0; // mouse variables boolean mouseHold = false; // file media variables PImage img, img2; SoundFile sndfilebounce; SoundFile sndfilewhoosh; SoundFile sndfilebuzzer; SoundFile sndfilewhistle; boolean buzzerPlayed = false; // screen setup // open files once here so performance not impacted void setup(){ size(1280, 720, P3D); background(255); GameFont = createFont("Arial Bold",24); // AI image created using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer img = loadImage("images/gym.jpg"); // AI image created using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer img2 = loadImage("images/basketballnet2.png"); // royalty-free mp3 file from sound effect library // cropped and enhanced using an editor sndfilebounce = new SoundFile(this, "sounds/ball-bounce.mp3"); // royalty-free mp3 file from sound effect library // cropped and enhanced using an editor sndfilewhoosh = new SoundFile(this, "sounds/whoosh.mp3"); // royalty-free mp3 file from sound effect library // cropped and enhanced using an editor sndfilebuzzer = new SoundFile(this, "sounds/buzzer.mp3"); // royalty-free mp3 file from sound effect library // cropped and enhanced using an editor sndfilewhistle = new SoundFile(this, "sounds/whistle.mp3"); // start game with a whistle; } // array list for the balls ArrayList<Ball> balls = new ArrayList<Ball>(); // obstacle wall variables int obstacleOneStartX = (int) (wallX + screenWidth * 0.6); int obstacleTwoStartX = (int) (wallX + screenWidth * 0.4); int obstacleWiggleX = (int) (wallX + screenWidth * 0.05); // list to create the barrier walls of the board Wall[] walls = { // roof new Wall(wallX, topHeight, wallHeight, screenWidth), // floor new Wall(wallX, bottomPos, wallHeight, screenWidth), // obstacle 1 new Wall(obstacleOneStartX, topHeight, (int) (ceilingHeight * 0.6 + wallHeight/2) , wallHeight), // obstacle 2 new Wall(obstacleTwoStartX, topHeight+ (int) (ceilingHeight * 0.4), (int) (ceilingHeight * 0.6 + wallHeight/2) , wallHeight), // rim new Wall(basketRimX, basketHeight, wallHeight * 2, wallHeight) }; // list for score zones // for baskets there are two zones stacked ontop each other // a basket is when the top zone and bottom zone are tagged in sequence BasketZone[] zones = { new BasketZone(basketZoneAX, basketZoneAY, basketZoneWidth, basketZoneHeight, basketZoneBX, basketZoneBY, basketZoneWidth, basketZoneHeight, 1, basketZoneR, basketZoneG, basketZoneB), }; // scoreboard ScoreBoard scoreboard = new ScoreBoard(scoreBoardX, scoreBoardY, scoreBoardWidth, scoreBoardHeight); // draw out game and update states void draw(){ // basic setup for each iteration mouseSpeedX = (mouseX - pmouseX); mouseSpeedY = (mouseY - pmouseY); background(220); noFill(); // reset fill and stroke styles to default resetStyle(); // draw game name stroke(10); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); fill(204, 85, 0); text("Bank-it-Ball", buttonX/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); fill(0); text("Bank-it-Ball", buttonX/2 + 2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2) + 2); // reset fill and stroke styles to default resetStyle(); // draw gym background fill(255,242,229); rect(wallX, topHeight, screenWidth, ceilingHeight); noStroke(); textureMode(NORMAL); beginShape(); texture(img); vertex(wallX, topHeight, 0, 0); vertex(screenWidth, topHeight, 1, 0); vertex(screenWidth, bottomPos, 1, 1); vertex(wallX, bottomPos, 0, 1); endShape(); // reset fill and stroke styles to default resetStyle(); // draw launch area. fill(255,229,204,100); stroke(0,0,0,0); rect(wallX, bottomPos - launchAreaHeight, launchAreaWidth, launchAreaHeight); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); fill(255); text("THROW ZONE (CLICK)", launchAreaWidth/2, bottomPos - launchAreaHeight/2); // reset fill and stroke styles to default resetStyle(); // draw backboard fill(205); int backboardWidth = 5; int backboardHeight = 150; rect(screenWidth - backboardWidth, basketHeight - backboardHeight, backboardWidth, backboardHeight); // draw new game button and check for hover if (mouseX > buttonX && mouseX < buttonX + buttonWidth && mouseY > buttonY && mouseY < buttonY + buttonHeight) { fill(240); } else { fill(205); } strokeWeight(5); rect(buttonX, buttonY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); strokeWeight(1); fill(1); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); textFont(GameFont); text("New Game", buttonX + (buttonWidth/2), buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); // reset fill and stroke styles to default resetStyle(); // display the scorezones // this is for development and debug purposes only so that the zones can be viewed // for interim game finalization, this is commented out and retained only for future development ideas //for (BasketZone s : zones){ // s.display(); //} // check for the ball count if (throwCount + 1 > ballMaxCount && mouseHold == false){ gameOver = true; } // display walls except virtual rim wall for (int i = 0; i < walls.length - 1; i++) { // the last wall is virtual rim, make it tranparent. walls[i].display(); } // display virtual rim wall as transparent. walls[(walls.length - 1)].displaytransparent(); // this is the final mode with rim wall transparent //walls[(walls.length - 1)].display(); // this is for development and debug purposes only so rim can be viewed // reset fill and stroke styles to default resetStyle(); // display the scoreboard scoreboard.display(); // ball physics for (Ball b : balls) { b.applyGravity(bottomPos); b.applyAirFriction(); b.checkBoundaryCollision(sndfilebounce); for (Wall w : walls) { b.checkWallCollision(w, sndfilebounce); } b.update(); b.display(); } // check for mouse button holding and set the balls to the location of the mouse for throw and release if (mouseHold && !gameOver && !ballInPlay) { if ((mouseX > wallX + ballRadius) && (mouseX < launchAreaWidth - ballRadius) && (mouseY < bottomPos - ballRadius) && (mouseY > launchAreaHeight + ballRadius)){ balls.set(balls.size() - 1, new Ball(mouseX, mouseY, ballRadius, activePlayer, playerOneR, playerOneG, playerOneB)); } } // update scoreboard int playerOneTurnScore = 0; for (Ball b : balls){ for (BasketZone z : zones){ if (!playerOneBasket){ playerOneTurnScore = z.checkBasketZone(b, sndfilewhoosh); } if (playerOneTurnScore == 1) { playerOneBasket = true; } } } // update scores and scoreboard display updatedPlayerOneScore += playerOneTurnScore; scoreboard.setPlayerScore(updatedPlayerOneScore); scoreboard.display(); // verify no balls in motion prior to new throws or info updates for (Ball b : balls) { if ((b.velocity.x != 0) || (b.velocity.y != 0)) { ballInPlay = true; break; } else { ballInPlay = false; } } // wait until the ball is no longer in play to end game or update player turn status if (!ballInPlay){ if (gameOver) { if (buzzerPlayed == false){; buzzerPlayed = true; } if (scoreboard.getPlayerScore() > scoreboard.getHighScore()){ fill(255, 0, 0); text("GAME OVER | New High Score", (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth) + (screenWidth - (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth))/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); } else { fill(135, 31, 120); text("GAME OVER", (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth) + (screenWidth - (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth))/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); } } else { fill(playerOneR,playerOneG,playerOneB); text("PLAYER " + " | Shot " + (throwCount + 1) + " of " + ballMaxCount, (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth) + (screenWidth - (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth))/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); } } // delete ball if just dead bouncing below rim level such that score not possible // or in event of a processing glitch where update teleports outside play zone boolean deleteBall = false; for (Ball b : balls) { if ((!mouseHold && ballInPlay && (b.velocity.mag() < 10) && (b.position.y > bottomPos - ceilingHeight * 0.25 )) || (b.position.y > bottomPos) || (b.position.y < topHeight)) { deleteBall = true; } } // delete ball based on determinations if (deleteBall){ ballInPlay = false; balls.remove(0); } // draw basket netting fill(255,255,255,1); noStroke(); textureMode(NORMAL); beginShape(); texture(img2); vertex(basketRimX, basketHeight, 0, 0); vertex(basketRimX + basketWidth, basketHeight, 1, 0); vertex(basketRimX + basketWidth, basketHeight + basketWidth * 0.75, 1, 1); vertex(basketRimX, basketHeight + basketWidth * 0.75, 0, 1); endShape(); // reset fill and stroke styles to default resetStyle(); } void resetStyle() { fill(0); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); } void mousePressed(){ //spawn the ball at the location of the player's mouse, alternate between player colors if (!ballInPlay && mousePressed && (mouseX > wallX + ballRadius) && (mouseX < launchAreaWidth + ballRadius) && (mouseY < bottomPos - ballRadius) && (mouseY > bottomPos - launchAreaHeight + ballRadius) && gameOver == false){ // clear balls laying around if (balls.size() > 0) { balls.remove(balls.size() - 1); } if (mouseHold == false) { balls.add(new Ball(mouseX, mouseY, ballRadius, activePlayer, playerOneR, playerOneG, playerOneB)); } for (BasketZone z : zones){ z.resetBasketZone(); } playerOneBasket = false; mouseHold = true; } // clear the game board of balls when new game button is pressed and reset game variables if (mouseX > buttonX && mouseX < buttonX + buttonWidth && mouseY > buttonY && mouseY < buttonY + buttonHeight){ balls.clear(); gameOver = false; throwCount = 0; activePlayer = 1; ballInPlay = false; updatedPlayerOneScore = 0; playerOneBasket = false; for (BasketZone z : zones){ z.resetBasketZone(); // randomize the obstacle walls walls[2].wallX = (int) random(obstacleOneStartX - obstacleWiggleX, obstacleOneStartX + obstacleWiggleX); walls[3].wallX = (int) random(obstacleTwoStartX - obstacleWiggleX, obstacleTwoStartX + obstacleWiggleX); } buzzerPlayed = false;; } } void mouseReleased(){ // initialize ball position at the mouse int ballXpos = mouseX; int ballYpos = mouseY; // launch velocities and game settings at throw moment if (mouseHold == true && gameOver == false) { mouseHold = false; //checking for mouse speeds to keep the balls movement consistent if (((mouseSpeedX == 0) && (mouseSpeedY == 0)) || ((mouseY < bottomPos - launchAreaHeight - wallHeight + ballRadius) || (mouseY > bottomPos - wallHeight - ballRadius)) || (mouseX < 0) || (mouseSpeedX < 0) || (mouseX > launchAreaWidth + ballRadius)) { // delete ball as it is a cancelled launch. if (balls.size() > 0) { balls.remove(balls.size() - 1); } ballInPlay=false; } else { if ((mouseY < topHeight + wallHeight + ballRadius) || (ballYpos < bottomPos - launchAreaHeight + ballRadius)) { ballYpos = bottomPos - launchAreaHeight + ballRadius; } if (mouseX > launchAreaWidth + ballRadius) { ballXpos = launchAreaWidth + ballRadius; } balls.get(balls.size()-1).position.x = ballXpos; balls.get(balls.size()-1).position.y = ballYpos; balls.get(balls.size()-1).velocity.x = mouseSpeedX; balls.get(balls.size()-1).velocity.y = mouseSpeedY; // limit max velocity to avoid ball wall teleporting float maxMag = 22; if (balls.get(balls.size()-1).velocity.mag() > maxMag) { balls.get(balls.size()-1).velocity.mult(maxMag/balls.get(balls.size()-1).velocity.mag()); } throwCount++; ballInPlay = true; } } } |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | // Wall // © 2024 Brenton Vavrek class Wall { // class state variables int wallHeight; int wallWidth; int wallX; int wallY; // wall constructor Wall(int x, int y, int h, int w){ wallX = x; wallY = y; wallHeight = h; wallWidth = w; } // draw walls void display(){ noStroke(); fill(0); rect(wallX, wallY, wallWidth, wallHeight); } // draw transparent walls void displaytransparent(){ noStroke(); fill(0,0,0,0); rect(wallX, wallY, wallWidth, wallHeight); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 | // ScoreBoard // © 2024 Brenton Vavrek class ScoreBoard{ // class state variables int player; int playerOneScore = 0; int highScore = 0; int scoreBoardX; int scoreBoardY; int scoreBoardWidth; int scoreBoardHeight; //constructor for playerscore ScoreBoard (int x, int y, int w, int h){ scoreBoardX = x; scoreBoardY = y; scoreBoardWidth = w; scoreBoardHeight = h; } // setter for playerscore void setPlayerScore(int score){ playerOneScore = score; if (playerOneScore > highScore) { highScore =playerOneScore; } } // getter for current player score int getPlayerScore(){ return playerOneScore; } // getter for high score int getHighScore(){ return highScore; } // draw scoreboard void display(){ noFill(); textSize(24); fill(255); rect(scoreBoardX, scoreBoardY, scoreBoardWidth, scoreBoardHeight); fill(204, 85, 0); textAlign(CENTER,CENTER); text("Player: " + this.getPlayerScore(), scoreBoardX + (scoreBoardWidth * 0.25), scoreBoardY + (scoreBoardHeight/2)); fill(0); text("High: " + this.getHighScore(), scoreBoardX + (scoreBoardWidth * 0.75), scoreBoardY + (scoreBoardHeight/2)); } } |
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Java to JavaScript code translation was assisted partially by Microsoft Co-Pilot.
There were also some code tweaks to support a p5.js web version. A global preloading of the basketball image was done for online refresh performance and a scale factor reduction was applied to reduce the overall game size for nicer embedding into a web browser interface.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 | // Bank-It-Ball // © 2024-2025 Brenton Vavrek // Ball Class class Ball { constructor(x, y, r_, playerNumber, red, green, blue) { this.position = createVector(x, y); this.velocity = createVector(7, 7); this.velocity.mult(0); this.radius = r_ * scaleFactor; this.m = this.radius * 0.1; this.player = playerNumber; this.r = red; this.g = green; this.b = blue; this.img = ballimg; // global preload for performance } getPlayerNum() { return this.player; } update() { this.position.add(this.velocity); } checkBoundaryCollision(sndfile) { if (this.position.x > width - this.radius) { this.position.x = width - this.radius; this.velocity.x *= -1;; } else if (this.position.x < this.radius) { this.position.x = this.radius; this.velocity.x *= -1;; } else if (this.position.y > height - this.radius) { this.position.y = height - this.radius; this.velocity.y *= -1;; } else if (this.position.y < this.radius) { this.position.y = this.radius; this.velocity.y *= -1;; } } checkWallCollision(w, sndfile) { if ((this.velocity.x >= 0) && (this.position.x > w.wallX - this.radius) && (this.position.x < w.wallX) && (this.position.y > w.wallY - this.radius) && (this.position.y < w.wallY + w.wallHeight + this.radius)) { // Left collision this.position.x = w.wallX - this.radius; this.velocity.x *= -1;; } else if ((this.velocity.x <= 0) && (this.position.x < w.wallX + w.wallWidth + this.radius) && (this.position.x > w.wallX + w.wallWidth) && (this.position.y > w.wallY - this.radius) && (this.position.y < w.wallY + w.wallHeight + this.radius)) { // Right collision this.position.x = w.wallX + w.wallWidth + this.radius; this.velocity.x *= -1;; } else if ((this.velocity.y >= 0) && (this.position.y > w.wallY - this.radius) && (this.position.y < w.wallY) && (this.position.x > w.wallX - this.radius) && (this.position.x < w.wallX + w.wallWidth + this.radius)) { // Top collision this.position.y = w.wallY - this.radius; this.velocity.y *= -1;; } else if ((this.velocity.y <= 0) && (this.position.y < w.wallY + w.wallHeight + this.radius) && (this.position.y > w.wallY + w.wallHeight) && (this.position.x > w.wallX - this.radius) && this.position.x < (w.wallX + w.wallWidth + this.radius)) { // Bottom collision this.position.y = w.wallY + w.wallHeight + this.radius; this.velocity.y *= -1;; } } applyAirFriction() { this.velocity.mult(0.9928); if (abs(this.velocity.mag()) < 0.15) { this.velocity.mult(0); } } applyGravity(floorY) { if ((abs(this.velocity.x) < 0.05) && (this.position.y >= (floorY - this.radius * 1.1))) { this.velocity.y = 0; } else if (this.position.y <= (floorY - this.radius * 2)) { this.velocity.y += 0.25; } } setposition(x, y) { this.position.x = x; this.position.y = y; } display() { stroke(1); strokeWeight(1); fill(this.r, this.g, this.b); ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.radius * 2 * scaleFactor, this.radius * 2 * scaleFactor); fill(0); stroke(0); noStroke(); textureMode(NORMAL); beginShape(); texture(this.img); vertex(this.position.x - this.radius, this.position.y - this.radius, 0, 0); vertex(this.position.x + this.radius, this.position.y - this.radius, 1, 0); vertex(this.position.x + this.radius, this.position.y + this.radius, 1, 1); vertex(this.position.x - this.radius, this.position.y + this.radius, 0, 1); endShape(); stroke(0); } } // BasketZone Class class BasketZone { constructor(ax, ay, aw, ah, bx, by, bw, bh, value, fillColorR_, fillColorG_, fillColorB_) { this.scoreValue = value; this.blockAX = ax; this.blockAY = ay; this.blockAHeight = ah; this.blockAWidth = aw; this.blockBX = bx; this.blockBY = by; this.blockBHeight = bh; this.blockBWidth = bw; this.fillColorR = fillColorR_; this.fillColorG = fillColorG_; this.fillColorB = fillColorB_; this.blockATouched = false; this.blockBTouched = false; } checkBasketZone(b, sndfile) { if (b.position.x > this.blockAX && b.position.x < this.blockAX + this.blockAWidth && b.position.y > this.blockAY && b.position.y < this.blockAY + this.blockAHeight) { this.blockATouched = true; } else if (this.blockATouched && b.position.x > this.blockBX && b.position.x < this.blockBX + this.blockBWidth && b.position.y > this.blockBY && b.position.y < this.blockBY + this.blockBHeight) { this.blockBTouched = true; } if (this.blockATouched && this.blockBTouched) {; return this.scoreValue; } else { return 0; } } resetBasketZone() { this.blockATouched = false; this.blockBTouched = false; } display() { fill(this.fillColorR, this.fillColorG, this.fillColorB); rect(this.blockAX, this.blockAY, this.blockAWidth, this.blockAHeight); rect(this.blockBX, this.blockBY, this.blockBWidth, this.blockBHeight); strokeWeight(1); stroke(1); strokeWeight(10); fill(0); strokeWeight(1); } } // ScoreBoard Class class ScoreBoard { constructor(x, y, w, h) { this.playerOneScore = 0; this.highScore = 0; this.scoreBoardX = x; this.scoreBoardY = y; this.scoreBoardWidth = w; this.scoreBoardHeight = h; } setPlayerScore(score) { this.playerOneScore = score; if (this.playerOneScore > this.highScore) { this.highScore = this.playerOneScore; } } getPlayerScore() { return this.playerOneScore; } getHighScore() { return this.highScore; } display() { noFill(); textSize(24); fill(255); rect(this.scoreBoardX, this.scoreBoardY, this.scoreBoardWidth, this.scoreBoardHeight); fill(204, 85, 0); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text("Player: " + this.getPlayerScore(), this.scoreBoardX + (this.scoreBoardWidth * 0.25), this.scoreBoardY + (this.scoreBoardHeight / 2.5)); fill(0); text("High: " + this.getHighScore(), this.scoreBoardX + (this.scoreBoardWidth * 0.75), this.scoreBoardY + (this.scoreBoardHeight / 2.5)); } } // Wall Class class Wall { constructor(x, y, h, w) { this.wallX = x; this.wallY = y; this.wallHeight = h; this.wallWidth = w; } display() { noStroke(); fill(0); rect(this.wallX, this.wallY, this.wallWidth, this.wallHeight); } displaytransparent() { noStroke(); fill(0, 0, 0, 0); rect(this.wallX, this.wallY, this.wallWidth, this.wallHeight); } } let scaleFactor = 0.7; let screenWidth = 1280 * scaleFactor; let screenHeight = 720 * scaleFactor; let topHeight = 100; // board variables let wallX = 0; let wallY = 360; let wallHeight = 29 * scaleFactor; let wallWidth = 600; let bottomPos = screenHeight - 3 * wallHeight; let ceilingHeight = bottomPos - topHeight; let launchAreaWidth = Math.floor(ceilingHeight * 0.6); let launchAreaHeight = Math.floor(ceilingHeight * 0.6); let ballRadius = 26; let mouseSpeedX = 0; let mouseSpeedY = 0; let basketHeight = topHeight + Math.floor(ceilingHeight * 0.4); let basketRimX = Math.floor(wallX + screenWidth * 0.90); let basketWidth = screenWidth - basketRimX; // font variable let GameFont; // player variables let activePlayer = 1; let playerOneR = 204; let playerOneG = 85; let playerOneB = 0; // score block variables let basketZoneHeight = 20; let basketZoneWidth = basketWidth; let basketZoneAX = basketRimX; let basketZoneAY = basketHeight; let basketZoneBX = basketRimX; let basketZoneBY = basketHeight + basketZoneHeight; let basketZoneR = 0; let basketZoneG = 255; let basketZoneB = 0; // score board variables let scoreBoardWidth = screenWidth/4; let scoreBoardHeight = topHeight/2 * scaleFactor; let scoreBoardX = screenWidth/2 - scoreBoardWidth/2; let scoreBoardY = topHeight/4; let updatedPlayerOneScore = 0; let playerOneBasket = false; // new game button variables let buttonX = screenWidth/5; let buttonY = topHeight/4; let buttonWidth = screenWidth/8; let buttonHeight = topHeight/2 * scaleFactor; // general game variables let gameOver = false; let ballInPlay = false; let ballMaxCount = 6; let throwCount = 0; let frameCounter = 0; let ballimg; // mouse variables let mouseHold = false; // file media variables let img, img2; let sndfilebounce, sndfilewhoosh, sndfilebuzzer, sndfilewhistle; let buzzerPlayed = false; let balls = []; let walls = []; let zones = []; let scoreboard; function preload() { img = loadImage('gym.jpg'); img2 = loadImage('basketballnet2.png'); ballimg = loadImage('basketball.png'); sndfilebounce = loadSound('ball-bounce.mp3'); sndfilewhoosh = loadSound('whoosh.mp3'); sndfilebuzzer = loadSound('buzzer.mp3'); sndfilewhistle = loadSound('whistle.mp3'); // Load the font from Google Fonts loadFont('ProcessingSans-Bold.ttf', function(font) { GameFont = font; }); } function setup() { createCanvas(screenWidth, screenHeight, WEBGL); background(255); textFont(GameFont); // Set the font for your text // Initialize game objects walls = [ new Wall(wallX, topHeight, wallHeight, screenWidth), new Wall(wallX, bottomPos, wallHeight, screenWidth), new Wall(Math.floor(wallX + screenWidth * 0.6), topHeight, Math.floor(ceilingHeight * 0.6 + wallHeight/2), wallHeight), new Wall(Math.floor(wallX + screenWidth * 0.4), topHeight + Math.floor(ceilingHeight * 0.4), Math.floor(ceilingHeight * 0.6 + wallHeight/2), wallHeight), new Wall(basketRimX, basketHeight, wallHeight * 2, wallHeight) ]; zones = [ new BasketZone(basketZoneAX, basketZoneAY, basketZoneWidth, basketZoneHeight, basketZoneBX, basketZoneBY, basketZoneWidth, basketZoneHeight, 1, basketZoneR, basketZoneG, basketZoneB) ]; scoreboard = new ScoreBoard(scoreBoardX, scoreBoardY, scoreBoardWidth, scoreBoardHeight);; } function draw() { mouseSpeedX = mouseX - pmouseX; mouseSpeedY = mouseY - pmouseY; background(220); resetStyle(); // Translate to the upper right corner of your "visible area" translate(-screenWidth/2, -screenHeight/2, 0); // Move to top-left of your area // draw game name stroke(10); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(204, 85, 0); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text('Bank-it-Ball', buttonX/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); fill(0); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text('Bank-it-Ball', buttonX/2 + 2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2) + 2); resetStyle(); // draw gym background fill(255, 242, 229); rect(wallX, topHeight, screenWidth, ceilingHeight); noStroke(); textureMode(NORMAL); beginShape(); texture(img); vertex(wallX, topHeight, 0, 0); vertex(screenWidth, topHeight, 1, 0); vertex(screenWidth, bottomPos, 1, 1); vertex(wallX, bottomPos, 0, 1); endShape(); resetStyle(); // draw launch area fill(255, 229, 204, 100); noStroke(); rect(wallX, bottomPos - launchAreaHeight, launchAreaWidth, launchAreaHeight); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(255); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text('THROW ZONE (CLICK)', launchAreaWidth/2, bottomPos - launchAreaHeight/2); resetStyle(); // draw backboard fill(205); let backboardWidth = 5 * scaleFactor; let backboardHeight = 150 * scaleFactor; rect(screenWidth - backboardWidth, basketHeight - backboardHeight, backboardWidth, backboardHeight); // draw new game button and check for hover if (mouseX > buttonX && mouseX < buttonX + buttonWidth && mouseY > buttonY && mouseY < buttonY + buttonHeight) { fill(240); } else { fill(205); } strokeWeight(5); rect(buttonX, buttonY, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); strokeWeight(1); fill(1); textFont(GameFont); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text('New Game', buttonX + (buttonWidth/2), buttonY + (buttonHeight/2.5)); resetStyle(); // check for the ball count if (throwCount + 1 > ballMaxCount && !mouseHold) { gameOver = true; } // display walls except virtual rim wall for (let i = 0; i < walls.length - 1; i++) { walls[i].display(); } // display virtual rim wall as transparent walls[walls.length - 1].displaytransparent(); resetStyle(); // display the scoreboard scoreboard.display(); // ball physics for (let b of balls) { b.applyGravity(bottomPos); b.applyAirFriction(); b.checkBoundaryCollision(sndfilebounce); for (let w of walls) { b.checkWallCollision(w, sndfilebounce); } b.update(); b.display(); } // Check for mouse button holding if (mouseHold && !gameOver && !ballInPlay) { if (mouseX > wallX + ballRadius && mouseX < launchAreaWidth - ballRadius && mouseY < bottomPos - ballRadius && mouseY > launchAreaHeight + ballRadius) { balls[balls.length - 1] = new Ball(mouseX, mouseY, ballRadius, activePlayer, playerOneR, playerOneG, playerOneB); } } // Update scoreboard let playerOneTurnScore = 0; for (let b of balls) { for (let z of zones) { if (!playerOneBasket) { playerOneTurnScore = z.checkBasketZone(b, sndfilewhoosh); } if (playerOneTurnScore === 1) { playerOneBasket = true; } } } // Update scores and scoreboard display updatedPlayerOneScore += playerOneTurnScore; scoreboard.setPlayerScore(updatedPlayerOneScore); scoreboard.display(); // Check if balls are in motion ballInPlay = balls.some(b => b.velocity.x !== 0 || b.velocity.y !== 0); if (!ballInPlay) { if (gameOver) { if (!buzzerPlayed) {; buzzerPlayed = true; } if (scoreboard.getPlayerScore() > scoreboard.getHighScore()) { fill(255, 0, 0); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text('GAME OVER | New High Score', (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth) + (screenWidth - (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth))/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); } else { fill(135, 31, 120); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text('GAME OVER', (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth) + (screenWidth - (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth))/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); } } else { fill(playerOneR, playerOneG, playerOneB); textSize(24 * scaleFactor); text('PLAYER | Shot ' + (throwCount + 1) + ' of ' + ballMaxCount, (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth) + (screenWidth - (scoreBoardX + scoreBoardWidth))/2, buttonY + (buttonHeight/2)); } } // Remove balls if necessary let deleteBall = balls.some(b => (!mouseHold && ballInPlay && b.velocity.mag() < 10 && b.position.y > bottomPos - ceilingHeight * 0.25) || b.position.y > bottomPos || b.position.y < topHeight); if (deleteBall) { ballInPlay = false; balls.shift(); // Remove the first ball in the array } // Draw basket netting fill(255, 255, 255, 1); noStroke(); textureMode(NORMAL); beginShape(); texture(img2); vertex(basketRimX, basketHeight , 0, 0); vertex(basketRimX + basketWidth, basketHeight, 1, 0); vertex(basketRimX + basketWidth, basketHeight + basketWidth * 0.75, 1, 1); vertex(basketRimX, basketHeight + basketWidth * 0.75, 0, 1); endShape(); resetStyle(); } function resetStyle() { fill(0); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); } function mousePressed() { if (!ballInPlay && !gameOver && mouseX > wallX + ballRadius && mouseX < launchAreaWidth + ballRadius && mouseY < bottomPos - ballRadius && mouseY > bottomPos - launchAreaHeight + ballRadius) { if (balls.length > 0) { balls.pop(); } if (!mouseHold) { balls.push(new Ball(mouseX, mouseY, ballRadius, activePlayer, playerOneR, playerOneG, playerOneB)); } for (let z of zones) { z.resetBasketZone(); } playerOneBasket = false; mouseHold = true; } // New game button logic if (mouseX > buttonX && mouseX < buttonX + buttonWidth && mouseY > buttonY && mouseY < buttonY + buttonHeight) { balls = []; gameOver = false; throwCount = 0; activePlayer = 1; ballInPlay = false; updatedPlayerOneScore = 0; playerOneBasket = false; for (let z of zones) { z.resetBasketZone(); } walls[2].wallX = Math.floor(random(obstacleOneStartX - obstacleWiggleX, obstacleOneStartX + obstacleWiggleX)); walls[3].wallX = Math.floor(random(obstacleTwoStartX - obstacleWiggleX, obstacleTwoStartX + obstacleWiggleX)); buzzerPlayed = false;; } } function mouseReleased() { if (mouseHold && !gameOver) { mouseHold = false; let ballXpos = mouseX; let ballYpos = mouseY; if ((mouseSpeedX === 0 && mouseSpeedY === 0) || (mouseY < bottomPos - launchAreaHeight - wallHeight + ballRadius || mouseY > bottomPos - wallHeight - ballRadius) || mouseX < 0 || mouseSpeedX < 0 || mouseX > launchAreaWidth + ballRadius) { if (balls.length > 0) { balls.pop(); } ballInPlay = false; } else { if (mouseY < topHeight + wallHeight + ballRadius || ballYpos < bottomPos - launchAreaHeight + ballRadius) { ballYpos = bottomPos - launchAreaHeight + ballRadius; } if (mouseX > launchAreaWidth + ballRadius) { ballXpos = launchAreaWidth + ballRadius; } if (balls.length > 0) { let lastBall = balls[balls.length - 1]; lastBall.position.x = ballXpos; lastBall.position.y = ballYpos; lastBall.velocity.x = mouseSpeedX; lastBall.velocity.y = mouseSpeedY; let maxMag = 22; if (lastBall.velocity.mag() > (maxMag * scaleFactor)) { lastBall.velocity.mult((maxMag * scaleFactor) / lastBall.velocity.mag()); } throwCount++; ballInPlay = true; } } } } let obstacleOneStartX = Math.floor(wallX + screenWidth * 0.6); let obstacleTwoStartX = Math.floor(wallX + screenWidth * 0.4); let obstacleWiggleX = Math.floor(wallX + screenWidth * 0.05); |